PushData Mode
The push data mode is also an important capability of BMF Graph. As the figure shown below, Generate Mode provides the ability to extract the processing result Frames of graph, and Push Mode provides the ability to “feed” the input of the graph.

Users only need to pay attention to the node connection and operation logic of Graph, and keep filling packets to Graph.
This mode is suitable for scenarios where the user’s input source comes from other third-party libraries or some custom data types, and many custom processing operations that have nothing to do with the BMF framework need to be performed on the input.
Let’s show an example of using push data mode:
def test_push_pkt_into_decoder(self):
output_path = "./aac.mp4"
graph = bmf.graph({"dump_graph": 1})
video_stream = graph.input_stream("outside_raw_video")
decode_stream = video_stream.decode()
bmf.encode(None,decode_stream["audio"],{"output_path": output_path})
graph.run_wo_block(mode = GraphMode.PUSHDATA)
pts_ = 0
for index in range(100,105):
file_name = "../files/aac_slice/"+str(index)+".aac"
with open(file_name, "rb") as fp:
lines = fp.read()
buf = BMFAVPacket(len(lines))
buf.data.numpy()[:] = np.frombuffer(lines, dtype=np.uint8)
buf.pts = pts_
packet = Packet(buf)
pts_ += 1
packet.timestamp = pts_
start_time = time.time()
graph.fill_packet(video_stream.get_name(), packet, True)
This example reads 5 fltp aac audio streams sequentially, uses push data mode to push them sequentially into the graph, and encodes them into aac.mp4 files.
Let’s look at another more complex video processing example:
def test_push_raw_stream_into_decoder(self):
input_video_content = "../files/video_content.txt"
input_content_size = "../files/video_length.txt"
output_path = "./push_pkt_output.mp4"
graph = bmf.graph({"dump_graph": 1})
video_stream = graph.input_stream("outside_raw_video")
decode_stream = video_stream.module(
"video_codec": "h264", 'video_time_base': "1,30000",
"push_raw_stream": 1
encode_stream = decode_stream['video'].encode(
"output_path": output_path,
"video_params": {
"codec": "h264",
"width": 640,
"height": 480,
"max_fr": 30,
"crf": "23",
"preset": "veryfast"
graph.run_wo_block(mode = GraphMode.PUSHDATA)
f_cont = open(input_video_content,'rb')
f_size = open(input_content_size,'r')
pts_ = 0
timestamp = 0
lines = f_size.readlines()
for size in lines:
pkt = BMFAVPacket(int(size))
memview = pkt.data.numpy()
memview[:] = np.frombuffer(f_cont.read(int(size)), dtype='uint8')
pkt.pts = pts_
packet = Packet(pkt)
packet.timestamp = timestamp
pts_ += 1001
timestamp += 1
graph.fill_packet(video_stream.get_name(), packet)
graph.fill_packet(video_stream.get_name(), Packet.generate_eof_packet())
This example implements a processing pipeline that decodes the raw 264 stream in push data mode and re-encodes it inside the graph. In the code, we first build a graph and then read the raw stream. Video_content.txt stores the binary content of the code stream. Video_length.txt stores the size of each packet in turn. In the graph options, we set the push_raw_stream, which will make the decoder perceive that the packets you will fill in are in raw stream format.