Create a Module

Built-in modules

BMF’s built-in modules include commonly used video processing modules, which can be directly used by developers to implement video applications, including FFmpeg-based decoder, filter and encoder modules, and many more gpu processing modules. For detailed descriptions of built-in modules, see ffmpeg_fully_compatible.

Custom Module Development

If you want to develop your own modules, please follow these instructions.

C++, python and go modules are now supported. You can write a module with anyone and call it in any language. For each language, we provide a minimized example here. In this part. You can try it on Open In Colab

python module

Create a my_python_module directory and write the following python code into my_python_module/

from bmf import Module, Log, LogLevel, InputType, ProcessResult, Packet, Timestamp, scale_av_pts, av_time_base, \
    BmfCallBackType, VideoFrame, AudioFrame

class my_module(Module):
    def __init__(self, node, option=None):
        self.node_ = node
        self.option_ = option

    def process(self, task):
        for (input_id, input_packets) in task.get_inputs().items():

            # output queue
            output_packets = task.get_outputs()[input_id]

            while not input_packets.empty():
                pkt = input_packets.get()

                # process EOS
                if pkt.timestamp == Timestamp.EOF:
                    Log.log_node(LogLevel.DEBUG, task.get_node(), "Receive EOF")
                    task.timestamp = Timestamp.DONE
                    return ProcessResult.OK

                # copy input packet to output
                if pkt.defined() and pkt.timestamp != Timestamp.UNSET:
                    # Log.log_node(LogLevel.DEBUG, self.node_,
                    #              "process input", input_id, 'packet',
                    #              output_packets.queue[0].get_timestamp())

        return ProcessResult.OK

c++ module

Implement your own c++ class, inheriting from the Module base class. In the simplest case, you just need to implement the process method. Create a my_cpp_module directory and write the following c++ code into cpp_copy_module/copy_module.h:


#include <bmf/sdk/bmf.h>
#include <bmf/sdk/packet.h>


class CopyModule : public Module
    CopyModule(int node_id,JsonParam option) : Module(node_id,option) { }

    ~CopyModule() { }

    virtual int process(Task &task);


and cpp_copy_module/copy_module.cpp:

#include "copy_module.h"

int CopyModule::process(Task &task) {
    PacketQueueMap &input_queue_map = task.get_inputs();
    PacketQueueMap::iterator it;

    // process all input queues
    for (it = input_queue_map.begin(); it != input_queue_map.end(); it++) {
        // input stream label
        int label = it->first;

        // input packet queue
        Packet pkt;
        // process all packets in one input queue
        while (task.pop_packet_from_input_queue(label, pkt)) {
            // Get a input packet

            // if packet is eof, set module done
            if (pkt.timestamp() == BMF_EOF) {
                task.fill_output_packet(label, Packet::generate_eof_packet());
                return 0;

            // Get packet data
            // Here we should know the data type in packet
            auto vframe = pkt.get<VideoFrame>();

            // Deep copy
            VideoFrame vframe_out = VideoFrame(vframe.frame().clone());

            // Add output frame to output queue
            auto output_pkt = Packet(vframe_out);

            task.fill_output_packet(label, output_pkt);
    return 0;

go module

Create a directory named pass_through_module and write the following go code into pass_through_module/pass_through.go.

package main

import "C"
import (


type PassThroughModuleOption struct {
        Value int32

type PassThroughModule struct {
        nodeId int32
        option PassThroughModuleOption

func (self *PassThroughModule) Process(task *bmf.Task) error {
        fmt.Println("Go-PassThrough process-in")
        defer fmt.Println("Go-PassThrough process-out")
        iids := task.GetInputStreamIds()
        oids := task.GetOutputStreamIds()

        gotEof := false
        for i, iid := range iids {
                for pkt, err := task.PopPacketFromInputQueue(iid); err == nil; {
                        defer pkt.Free()
                        if ok := task.FillOutputPacket(oids[i], pkt); !ok {
                                return errors.New("Fill output queue failed")

                        if pkt.Timestamp() == bmf.EOF {
                                gotEof = true

                        pkt, err = task.PopPacketFromInputQueue(iid)

        if gotEof {
        return nil

func (self *PassThroughModule) Init() error {
        return nil

func (self *PassThroughModule) Reset() error {
        return errors.New("Reset is not supported")

func (self *PassThroughModule) Close() error {
        return nil

func (self *PassThroughModule) GetModuleInfo() (interface{}, error) {
        info := map[string]string{
                "NodeId": fmt.Sprintf("%d", self.nodeId),

        return info, nil

func (self *PassThroughModule) NeedHungryCheck(istreamId int32) (bool, error) {
        return true, nil

func (self *PassThroughModule) IsHungry(istreamId int32) (bool, error) {
        return true, nil

func (self *PassThroughModule) IsInfinity() (bool, error) {
        return true, nil

func NewPassThroughModule(nodeId int32, option []byte) (bmf.Module, error) {
        m := &PassThroughModule{}
        err := json.Unmarshal(option, &m.option)
        if err != nil {
                return nil, err
        m.nodeId = nodeId

        return m, nil

func RegisterPassThroughInfo(info bmf.ModuleInfo) {
        info.SetModuleDescription("Go PassThrough description")
        tag := bmf.NewModuleTag(bmf.BMF_TAG_UTILS|bmf.BMF_TAG_VIDEO_PROCESSOR)

//export ConstructorRegister
func ConstructorRegister() {
        bmf.RegisterModuleConstructor("go_pass_through", NewPassThroughModule, RegisterPassThroughInfo)

func main() {}

Module building

Once you’ve developed a module, compile it first for C++ and Go modules. For Python modules, no additional actions are needed.

c++ module

Then write this part of cmake code to the file named cpp_copy_module/CMakeLists.txt:

file(GLOB SRCS *.cc *.h)

add_library(copy_module SHARED ${SRCS})



install(TARGETS copy_module)

Compile it next:

if [ -d build ]; then rm -rf build; fi
cmake -B build -S my_cpp_module
cmake --build build
cmake --install build

go module

go mod init test
go mod tidy
go build -buildmode c-shared -o pass_through_module/lib/ pass_through_module/pass_through.go

Module installing

Next, install the module using module_manager:

# installing python module
module_manager install my_python_module python my_module:my_module $(pwd)/my_python_module v0.0.1
# installing c++ module
module_manager install cpp_copy_module c++ libcopy_module:CopyModule $(pwd)/cpp_copy_module/lib v0.0.1
# installing go module
module_manager install go_pass_through go go_pass_through:PassThrough $(pwd)/pass_through_module/lib v0.0.1

You can also uninstall modules named mymodulewith:

module_manager uninstall mymodule

Module Listing and Dumping

To list all modules installed locally, using module_manager list without any args:

module_manager list

You can also dump the information for each module using the following command:

module_manager dump ${module_name}