
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | List of all members # bmf_sdk::VideoFrame Class Reference


Public Types

using Frame = hmp::Frame

Public Member Functions

VideoFrame ()

VideoFrame (const VideoFrame &)=default

VideoFrame & operator= (const VideoFrame &)=default

VideoFrame ( VideoFrame &&)=default

VideoFrame (const Frame & frame )

VideoFrame (int width , int height , const PixelInfo &pix_info, const Device & device =kCPU)

operator bool () const

int width () const

int height () const

ScalarType dtype () const

const Frame & frame () const

VideoFrame reformat (const PixelInfo &pix_info)

VideoFrame crop (int x, int y, int w, int h) const

const Device & device () const override

VideoFrame cpu (bool non_blocking=false) const

VideoFrame cuda () const

VideoFrame & copy_ (const VideoFrame &from)

VideoFrame to (const Device & device , bool non_blocking=false) const

VideoFrame & copy_props (const VideoFrame &from)


bmf_sdk::OpaqueDataSet OpaqueDataSet ()=default

OpaqueDataSet ( OpaqueDataSet &&)=default

OpaqueDataSet (const OpaqueDataSet &)=default

OpaqueDataSet & operator= (const OpaqueDataSet &)=default

void private_attach (const T *data, Args &&…args)

const T * private_get () const

void private_merge (const OpaqueDataSet &from)

OpaqueDataSet & copy_props (const OpaqueDataSet &from)


bmf_sdk::SequenceData void set_pts (int64_t pts )

int64_t pts () const

Rational time_base () const

void set_time_base ( Rational time_base )

bool operator> (const SequenceData &other)

bool operator>= (const SequenceData &other)

bool operator< (const SequenceData &other)

bool operator<= (const SequenceData &other)

SequenceData & copy_props (const SequenceData &from)


bmf_sdk::Future Future ()

Future (const Future &)=default

Future ( Future &&)=default

Future & operator= (const Future &)=default

virtual ~Future ()

void set_stream (uint64_t stream )

uint64_t stream () const

bool ready () const

void record (bool use_current=true)

void synchronize ()

Future & copy_props (const Future &from)

Static Public Member Functions

static VideoFrame make (int width , int height , const PixelInfo &pix_info, const Device & device =kCPU)

static VideoFrame make (int width , int height , const PixelInfo &pix_info, const std::string & device )

Protected Member Functions

VideoFrame (const std::shared_ptr< Private > &other)


bmf_sdk::OpaqueDataSet virtual void set_private_data (int key, const OpaqueData &data)

virtual const OpaqueData & private_data (int key) const

Member Typedef Documentation


using bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::Frame = hmp::Frame

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

 VideoFrame() [1/6]

bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::VideoFrame (  )  

Construct a undefined Video Frame object.

assert(VideoFrame() == false)

 VideoFrame() [2/6]

bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::VideoFrame ( const VideoFrame & )  


VideoFrame is copyable.

 VideoFrame() [3/6]

bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::VideoFrame (  VideoFrame && )  


VideoFrame is movable.

 VideoFrame() [4/6]

bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::VideoFrame ( const Frame &frame )  

Construct VideoFrame from Frame object.


  • frame Dedicated to YUV data, with irregular shapes between planes

 VideoFrame() [5/6]

bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::VideoFrame ( int width, 
  int height, 
  const PixelInfo & pix_info, 
  const Device & device = kCPU 

Construct VideoFrame(Frame) with given size (width, height), PixelInfo, and device, for ease of use, using factory function VideoFrame::make Parameters

  • width width of Y plane
  • height height of Y plane
  • pix_info PixelFormat and ColorModel
  • device device

 VideoFrame() [6/6]

bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::VideoFrame ( const std::shared_ptr< Private > & other )  


Member Function Documentation


 VideoFrame & bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::copy_( const VideoFrame &from )  

In-place copy.


  • from data source which have the same type and shape

Returns VideoFrame &


 VideoFrame & bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::copy_props( const VideoFrame &from )  

copy all extra props(set by member func set_xxx) from from (deepcopy if needed), Parameters

  • from

Returns VideoFrame &


 VideoFrame bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::cpu( bool non_blocking = false ) const 


 VideoFrame bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::crop( int x, 
  int y, 
  int w, 
  int h 
 )  const 

Return the selected region which specified by (x, y, w, h)


  • x start col index
  • y start row index
  • w number of cols
  • h number of rows

Returns VideoFrame


 VideoFrame bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::cuda(  ) const 


const Device& bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::device (  ) const 



interface must implemented by sub-class, which provide device info


Implements bmf_sdk::Future .


ScalarType bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::dtype (  ) const 


const Frame & bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::frame(  ) const 



int bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::height (  ) const 

 make() [1/2]

static VideoFrame bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::make( int width, 
 int height, 
 const PixelInfo & pix_info, 
 const Device & device = kCPU 



Facotry function to construct VideoFrame(Frame)

test_video_frame.cpp for more details

//allocate VideoFrame with default device CPU
auto H420 = PixelInfo(PF_YUV420P, CS_BT607)
auto vf = VideoFrame::make(1920, 1080, H420);

//allocate VideoFrame on CUDA device
auto vf = VideoFrame::make(1920, 1080, H420, kCUDA);
auto vf = VideoFrame::make(1920, 1080, H420, "cuda:0");
auto vf = VideoFrame::make(1920, 1080, H420, Device(kCUDA, 0));

Template Parameters

  • device


  • width
  • height
  • format
  • device const char*, string, Device - infer to Device

Returns VideoFrame

         return VideoFrame(width, height, pix_info, device); 

 make() [2/2]

static VideoFrame bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::make( int width, 
 int height, 
 const PixelInfo & pix_info, 
 const std::string & device 



         return VideoFrame(width, height, pix_info, device); 

 operator bool()

bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::operator bool (  ) const 

check if VideoFrame is defined



VideoFrame & bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::operator=( const VideoFrame & )  


Returns VideoFrame &


 VideoFrame bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::reformat( const PixelInfo & pix_info )  

Frame reformat, this only support rgb to yuv, or yuv to rgb.


  • pix_info

Returns VideoFrame


 VideoFrame bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::to( const Device & device, 
  bool non_blocking = false 
 )  const 

Copy to target device, if it have already reside on target device, shadow copy will be performed.


  • device Target device
  • non_blocking if true, internal allocator will try to allocate pinned memory, which can make data copy asynchronous

Returns VideoFrame


int bmf_sdk::VideoFrame::width (  ) const 
  • /20230627/doxygen_converter/bmf/bmf/sdk/cpp_sdk/include/bmf/sdk/ video_frame.h

Last modified July 16, 2024 : update the macos building doc (6d093eb)